Review of How Propaganda Became Public Relations from Le foucauldien
My book, How Propaganda Became Public Relations: Foucault and Corporate Government of the Public, has a new review from Anna Wieder at Le foucualien. She gives a careful and fair review: yes, even her criticisms I have to admit are fair. Overall,…
How Propaganda Became Public Relations reviewed at CounterPunch
Thomas Klikauer and Nadine Campbell at CounterPunch reviewed my book, How Propaganda Became Public Relations: Foucault and the Corporate Government of the Public. Klikauer is a machine from what I can tell and I envy the rate at which he…
‘How Propaganda Became Public Relations’ featured on the American Philosophy Association Recently Published Book Spotlight
How Propaganda Became Public Relations Foucault and the Corporate Government of the Public, was featured this week on the APA Blog. The blog series is the 'Recently Published Book Spotlight' and it's an interview that focuses on a summary…
New Article: “Propaganda and the Nihilism of the Alt-Right”
I have a new article out looking at how propaganda and its history has shaped the Alt-Right, "Propaganda and the Nihilism of the Alt-Right." You can check it out here or here.
Here is the abstract of the article:
"The alt-right is an…
New Article: “Propaganda and the Nihilism of the Alt-Right”
I have a new article out looking at how propaganda and its history has shaped the Alt-Right, "Propaganda and the Nihilism of the Alt-Right." You can check it out here or here.
Here is the abstract of the article:
"The alt-right is an…
New Article: “Propaganda and the Nihilism of the Alt-Right”
I have a new article out looking at how propaganda and its history has shaped the Alt-Right, "Propaganda and the Nihilism of the Alt-Right." You can check it out here or here.
Here is the abstract of the article:
"The alt-right is an…
Radio Spot On NPR with Stephen Henderson on Trump and Propaganda
Stephen Henderson is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and radio host. I was on his show to discuss the viral video, "Church of Fake News" or the "Trumpsman" video. It features President Trump shooting his political opponents, feminists,…
NPR Spot on Trump & Propaganda with Kerri Miller
I was on the Kerri Miller show on September 23, 2019 to talk about propaganda and Trump. This was my first radio spot so I was nervous but I think I came through with some good points and managed not panic and clam up. The substance of the…
APA Blog Post
I am featured in a new APA Blog post about propaganda and the work I have done on Trump. You can see it here.
Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award & Affect in the Classroom
I was honored this summer to win the Regents' Outstanding Teaching Award. It is an award given by the Regents of the University of Texas system to recognize, " extraordinary classroom performance and innovation in undergraduate instruction."…